
Learn how to connect your Jira account to GroWrk to manage and place orders using tickets.

Connect your account

  1. In the Integrations page in your Dashboard, search for Jira and select Get Started. Jira
  2. In Jira, create an API token. Go to Settings → Atlassian account settings and select the Security tab. Select Create API Token. JiraJira
  3. Back in the GroWrk Integrations Setup page, enter your Jira credentials and select Set Up. Jira
  4. In GroWrk, create an API key to create orders. Go to the Developers page and select Create API Key. JiraJira
  5. In Jira, create a webhook. Go to SettingsSystem and Webhooks tab. Jira
  6. Select Create a Webhook. Set the following fields:

Place an order using Jira

  1. Create a ticket in your Jira board.
    • In the description, include the following fields:
      • Required: Type (Order type) and SN (Serial number). If there are multiple products, divide serial numbers with commas. Check for and delete any spaces that may have been entered after the the Type and SN.
      • Optional: Notes
    • Select Create. Jira
  2. Create an order in GroWrk.
    • To call the webhook endpoint, the ticket should be labeled GroWrk. Select the ticket and add the label. Jira
  3. The GroWrk and Jira ticket interaction results will be displayed. When successful, there will be a new comment stating that the order has been created. A new order-created label will be shown on the ticket. Jira

Resolve a failed ticket

  1. If the ticket failed, the latest comment will state the reason for failure and an order-failed label. Jira
  2. Follow up on the failure based on the stated reason. For example, if the employee’s address is missing, update it in your Dashboard.
  3. Go back to the Jira ticket and remove the order-failed label. Jira
  4. Your ticket will update automatically, and you'll receive a comment confirming the order was created successfully. Jira