Country Disclaimers

When placing orders, it's important to note that the following regions have specific information requirements that need to be fulfilled. Be sure to provide the required information to avoid any delays in processing your orders.


CPF (Tax ID)

The CPF is required to be filled out in the Tax ID input on the Employee Profile on the Dashboard, or submitted by your employee through their Employee Dashboard.

The CPF serves as a crucial identifier, enabling both the Courier and the Brazilian government to track taxpayers and ensure the legal compliance of the items being transported. This step is a mandatory requirement to uphold legal standards and regulations.



The RUT (Rol Único Tributario) is required to be filled out in the Tax ID input on the Employee Profile on the Dashboard, or submitted by your employee through their Employee Dashboard.

This number is assigned to Chilean citizens, foreign residents, and individuals involved in economic activities within Chile. Comparable to a social security number in other nations, the RUT serves as a crucial identifier, enabling both the Courier and the Chilean government to track individuals and ensure the legal compliance of the items being transported. This step is a mandatory requirement to uphold legal standards and regulations.



The Cedula number is required to be filled out in the Tax ID input on the Employee Profile on the Dashboard, or submitted by your employee through their Employee Dashboard.

This identification document is assigned to Colombian citizens, foreign residents, and individuals involved in economic activities within Colombia. Comparable to a social security number in other nations, the Cedula serves as a crucial identifier, enabling both the Courier and the Colombian government to track individuals and ensure the legal compliance of the items being transported. This step is a mandatory requirement to uphold legal standards and regulations.


Personal ID

A copy of your employee's personal ID is required by our warehouse for documentation purposes, to follow local regulations in certain regions.

Please submit your employee’s information to your Customer Success Manager via email.


Personal ID

Deliveries and recoveries may require a government ID to be shown to the courier to ensure the correct identity of the recipient. Please inform your employees beforehand so they are prepared when the courier arrives to their address.

Note: This practice may also be required of employees in other regions in Asia depending on the courier.