
Set up webhooks in your Dashboard to receive updates in real-time regarding your orders, products, and employees. Learn how to create endpoints and view available events to stay up to date with your GroWrk activity.

  1. In the Developers page, select the Webhooks tab. Webhooks
  2. Select Add Endpoint in the Hosted Endpoints section. Webhooks
  3. Enter the URL and optional description. Webhooks
  4. Select events based on orders, products, or employees. You must select at least one event to continue. Webhooks
  5. Select Add. You’ll be notified that the endpoint has been created. Webhooks

Endpoints page

The Endpoints page lists all logs starting from the most recent. You can view by succeeded and failed attempts by selecting the respective tabs. Webhooks

On the top right corner, there is a menu to edit, enable/disable, or delete the endpoint. Webhooks

By selecting View and edit details, you will be taken to the same page as the Add Endpoint page to edit the details. Webhooks

The Disable button is visible only when the endpoint is enabled, and the Enable button appears when the endpoint is disabled. Webhooks

By selecting Delete, the endpoint will no longer be in use. Webhooks


Here are the events you can subscribe to:

order.created: Triggered when a new order is placed.

order.statusChange: Triggered when the order status is updated.

order.statusClosed: Triggered when an order is closed.

product.created: Triggered when a new product is added.

product.statusChange: Triggered when the product status is updated.

product.assigned: Triggered when the product is assigned to an employee.

product.shipped: Triggered when the product status changes to Shipped.

employee.created: Triggered when an employee is added to the Dashboard.

employee.updated: Triggered when an employee is updated.

employee.offboarded: Triggered when the offboarding process is finished.


Each webhook event sends a JSON payload containing relevant data. Each payload will contain the following fields:

  • Event
  • Timestamp
  • Company ID

Example payload:

  "event": "order.created",
  "timestamp": "2024-08-17T12:34:56Z",
  "companyId": "123",
  "orders": [{
    "id": "12345",
    "url": "https://app.growrk.com/companies/123/order/12345",
    "createdAt": "2024-08-16T10:45:32Z",
    "status": "order placed",
    "closedAt": null,
    "regionId": "us",
    "country": "US",
    "type": "Purchase for Inventory",
    "cost": 1102.5,
    "employee": {
        "id": "emp-12345",
        "displayName": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "path": "https://app.growrk.com/companies/123/employees/emp-12345",
    "shippingAddress": "1234 Elm St, Springfield, US",
    "collectionAddress": null,
    "contactAttempt": 1, // Optional
    "poNumber": "PO987654", // Optional
    "expediteShipping": true // Optional

Payload fields for order events

  • Orders
    • ID
    • URL
    • Created at
    • Status
    • Closed at
    • Region ID
    • Country
    • Type
    • Cost
    • Employee
      • ID
      • Display name
      • Email
      • Path
    • Shipping address
    • Collection address
    Optional fields:
    • Contact attempt
    • PO number
    • Expedited shipping

Payload fields for product events

  • Products
    • ID
    • URL
    • Created at
    • Status
    • Assigned
    • Employee
    • Managed by
    • Manufacturer
    • Model
    • Region ID
    • Serial number
    • Title
    • Specs
      • RAM
      • Storage
      • CPU
    • MDM
    • Condition
    • Order ID
    Optional fields:
    • Arrival date
    • Wiped
    • Custom notes
    • Charger
    • Location
    • PO
    • PIN
    • Legal hold status

Payload fields for employee events

  • Employees
    • ID
    • URL
    • Created at
    • Status
    • Email
    • Secondary email
    • Display name
    • Country
    • Team ID
    • Dashboard
    • Temporary address
    • Tax ID
    • Start date
    Optional fields:
    • T-shirt size
    • Annual compensation
    • Date of birth
    • Department
    • Division
    • Job title
    • Manager
    • Nationality
    • Pay rate
    • Pay frequency
    • Employment type
    • National ID
    • Gender
    • Pronouns
    • Marital status
    • Profile picture
    • Emergency contact
      • Name
      • Phone

Verifying signatures

To ensure the webhook payloads are coming from GroWrk, a signature is included in the request headers. Here is an example header:

x-growrk-signature: KQN-i8I5CUgMo5vYcn...

To validate a signature:

  1. Get the x-growrk-signature header from the request.
  2. Use HMAC SHA-256 to hash the request body using your webhook secret to recreate the signature.
  3. If the recreated signature matches the one in the header, the payload is authentic.

Here’s an example in Node.js:

const crypto = require('crypto');

function validateSignature(requestBody, headerSignature, secret) {
  const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret)
                     .replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
  return hash === headerSignature;