Assign to Employee

This order type is for delivering assigned products to an employee from your company’s existing inventory pool.

Assign through Employee profile or Teams

  1. On the employee’s profile , select Manage and then Assign Product. Or On the employee’s preview in Teams, select Assign. Assign to EmployeeAssign to Employee
  2. In the popup, select Add Product. Assign to Employee
  3. Select a product from the available inventory. Assign to Employee
  4. Select a delivery address. You can also add a temporary address if applicable. Scroll down. Assign to Employee
  5. Depending on the region, there may be shipping options. Select a shipping option. You can also indicate a desired time of arrival. Select Confirm to place the order. Assign to Employee

Assign through Inventory

  1. Scroll through your inventory to select which products you’d like to assign. Then select Assign to Employee. Assign to Employee
  2. Use the dropdown to select an employee and their delivery address. Scroll down. Assign to Employee
  3. If applicable, you may select a shipping option. Expedited and overnight shipping options are available in select regions. You can also indicate a desired time of arrival. Select Confirm to place the order. Assign to Employee
